Limited Atonement


Engaging the question of what Jesus actually accomplished on the cross: If He died for everyone, why does anyone go to Hell? What did He do for you at Calvary?

62 pages

(This booklet is chapter six of The Grace of Our Sovereign God) (PDF)

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John G. Reisinger, well-known and well-loved evangelist, author and teacher of the Word of God for over fifty years continues to enlighten and encourage you, the reader, to explore and understand the truth of God’s Holy Word. In this book, the fourth in his series on the “Doctrines of Grace,” John sets forth the doctrine of the atonement, and examines the two prevailing evangelical views concerning it. The necessity and the nature Christ’s death are presented in clear terms, along with a concise exploration of the biblical terms: ransom, substitute, reconciliation, and propitiationImputation and representation are also considered, along with the objections many Christians have to the view referred to as Limited Atonement.

The first appendix deals with the questions: “What did Christ accomplish in His death on the cross? Did He make salvation possible for all men, or did He make salvation certain for the elect?” The second appendix contains an excellent exposition of Romans 5:12-19, which carefully folows the apostle Paul’s use of the words many and all.

A right understanding and application of the glorious truth of the atonement will cause us to see both the nature and depth of the sin out of which we have been redeemed, and the amazing love and power of God that accomplishes our salvation. As we look at the sufferings of Christ on the cross and understand what He really accomplished on that horrible instrument of shame, we will be led to adoring worship and praise.

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