Do you understand the various messages of hope and grace in the Bible or do you have trouble putting it all together? Can you relate the truths of Scripture to your everyday life or does most of it seem unrelated to the real life situations of your personal world today? This booklet is written for the express purpose of giving you clear and specific help in these two areas. It is designed to help you understand what the Bible really says and means and to apply that message to the real life situations you must face in your personal world.
There are six principles basic to the concept of the sovereignty of God in providence that run all the way through the Word of God and undergird its message of salvation. It is essential to understand and believe them in order to have a biblical understanding of God Himself and His sovereign grace. Grasping and applying these truths to your everyday life is the foundation of biblical hope that leads to true joy in the Lord. Without them, it is difficult to have a reasonable, hopeful sense of security and heartfelt assurance while lving in our present-day, crazy world.
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