Christ, Our New Covenant Prophet, Priest & King


Jesus is the fulfillment (and successor) of Aaron the high priest, David the king, and Moses the law-giving prophet. To miss this point is to miss out on much of the richness of redemptive history. This book will help make sure you don’t miss it.



The prophets, priests, and kings of Israel were preparatory pictures of the coming Messiah. Now that He has come, His people must listen to Him, seek intercession from Him, and bow their knee to Him. We should not look forward to another fulfillment of David’s kingly Son or look back to Moses and Aaron for Law and sacrifice. The Old Covenant certainly enriches our understanding of Christ’s roles, but each of these great men of old have given way to Him.

At least, they should. Some theological systems want to keep one eye on Jesus and the other on the Old Covenant characters as if they belong on the same stage with Christ. Christ, Our New Covenant Prophet, Priest & King will help you see wonder of God’s plan as it moved from the picture to the reality in Jesus.

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