Total Depravity


John Reisinger asks, “What does total depravity mean?” and comes away with the clear, biblical answer to man’s great need for a great Savior.

27 pages

(This booklet is chapter four of The Grace of Our Sovereign God) (PDF)

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John Reisinger, noted evangelist, author, and teacher of the Word of God for over fifty years, begins this book by stating: “There are basically only two religions in the whole world. The one begins with the free will of man and the other begins with the sovereignty of God. The first tells what ‘You must do’ for God, and the second declares what ‘God has done for you’ that you could not do for yourself. The religion of ‘free will’ pictures salvation as a possibility for all men if they are willing to cooperate with God by believing. The religion of ‘free grace’ presents salvation as a certainty for all of the elect of God because God gives faith as a gift.

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